Online Protest Toolkit for Religious Prisoners of Conscience

Protest the Detainment of Religious Prisoners
- Below, find sample Tweets/Social posts that you can use as is, or create your own during the International Religious Freedom Summit in Washington, D.C. June 28-30, 2022.
- Please use #FreeReligiousPrisoners and #IRFSummitMarch in your Tweets and posts.
- You will also find graphics that can accompany your posts. (Re-use permission is hereby granted in perpetuity).
Please share these graphics (or create your own):
To download an image, right-click on it from a computer, or touch and hold on a mobile device.
Sample Tweets/Social Posts: (copy & paste)
A world of diverse faiths respecting and defending one another’s universal right to freedom of religion or belief (#FROB) is a prosperous world at peace. Give peace a chance! #FreeReligiousPrisoners #IRFEmergingLeaders #IRFSummitMarch
No one should be imprisoned for their faith or belief. #FreeReligiousPrisoners NOW! #FreeReligiousPrisoners #IRFSummitMarch
Defend the right to Freedom of Religion or Belief (#FORB). #FreeReligiousPrisoners NOW! #IRFSummitMarch