2 p.m. EDT Friday, May 1, 2020
Virtual Prayer Call for an End to Coronavirus Pandemic

Join Save the Persecuted Christians this Friday, May 1 at 2 p.m. EDT (7 p.m. U.K./Lagos) for global, virtual prayer for an end to the Covid-19 pandemic, and to lift up vulnerable Christians and other religious minorities who are suffering starvation due to religious discrimination and to battle increased suicide rates as despair settles in.
We will be joined by Anglican Bishop Benjamin Kwashi of Jos, Nigeria and Elijah Brown with the Baptist World Alliance, among others.
Please join us.
It is best to join the prayer with audio and video via Zoom on your desktop, smart phone or tablet. We may not be able to unmute you if you call in by phone. Please ensure your hardware is unmuted so you can hear the prayer. If you are leading prayer, please let us know in the ‘Chat’ section that you are on and ready to pray.
Thanks for joining this important prayer initiative.
With trust in God’s mercy,
Dede Laugesen
Executive Director
Save the Persecuted Christians
Join Zoom Meeting https://savethepersecutedchristians.zoom.us/j/84773775557
Meeting ID: 847 7377 5557
To call in instead:
Meeting ID: 847 7377 5557
Find your local number:https://savethepersecutedchristians.zoom.us/u/k1K5JYGW3