Persecution in China Rise in Persecution Video Webinars

Webinar | UNHOLY ALLIANCE: Francis and Xi – ‘Fundamentally Transforming’ the Church, Propping up the CCP              


Francis and Xi – ‘Fundamentally Transforming’
the Church, Propping up the CCP

Pope Francis and China’s “emperor,” Xi Jinping, seem to share the goals of “fundamentally transforming” the Roman Catholic Church and propping up the increasingly imperiled Chinese Communist Party.

This week, the Pope has convened a “synod” in Rome where clerical leaders and, for the first time, women and other “stakeholders” will be able to vote on making radical doctrinal changes. While it will be up to Pope Francis to accept such recommendations, doing so would be consistent with his roots in Marxist liberation theology.

Among the Roman Catholic bishops present at the synod are some appointed by Xi pursuant to a secret deal with China that the Vatican signed five years ago. Reportedly lubricated by a very sizeable Chinese financial payment, the agreement at least implicitly greenlighted Xi’s efforts to morph – if not destroy outright – the Church in China, where Christians are believed to outnumber CCP members and, thus, endanger the regime.

For years Xi has been: expropriating, desecrating and destroying churches; preventing children from receiving education in their parents’ faith; and severely punishing those who worship secretively. Xi is even changing biblical and other sacred texts and traditions. Notably, there are today only nine Commandments in China, as Xi Jinping is now a deity.

Those who follow Jesus and otherwise love freedom must join forces to oppose the damage being done by Xi and Francis, both individually and via their unholy alliance.

This CPDC webinar examines that damage and considers how it can be most effectively countered to the benefit of Chinese believers and other seeking to liberate the people of China from a CCP that has long oppressed, brutalized and murdered them, and that threatens us.


  • Frank Gaffney, Founder and Executive Chairman, Center for Security Policy; Vice Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China, co-author, “The Indictment: Prosecuting the Chinese Communist Party and Friends for Crimes Against America, China, and the World”


  • Elizabeth Yore, Esq., Founder and President, Yore Children, International child advocate attorney, Vatican watchdog, former General Counsel and Director of the International Division at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
    •  Topic: “The Unholy Alliance between Pope Francis and Emperor Xi”
  • Jose Antonio Ureta, Tradition, Family and Property Senior Fellow; co-author, The Synodal Process Is a Pandora’s Box: 100 Questions & Answers; and co-author, Pope Francis’s “Paradigm Shift” Continuity or Rupture in the Mission of the Church?
    •  Topic: “Pope Francis’ Liberation Theology and the Synodal Process” 
  • Benedict Rogers, Co-Founder and CEO of Hong Kong Watch, senior analyst for East Asia for CSW, and the co-founder and deputy chair of the U.K. Conservative Party Human Rights Commission; opinion author, “Beijing’s New Hymn for Hong Kong Churches”
    •  Topic: The CCP’s Red Church: Expropriation and Persecution”
  • Cheryl Chumley, Online Opinion Editor, Washington Times; Host of “Bold and Blunt” podcast; author, Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom, and Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise or America Will Fall
    Topic: “Why Christians Terrify Tyrants: The Atheist Marxists’ Inside-Outside Game”
  • Dede Laugesen, Executive Director, Save the Persecuted Christians; and Executive Secretary, Committee on the Present Danger: China
    •  Topic: “Onward Christian Soldiers: The Fight for the Soul of the Church and Its Endangered People”


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