Take action: No Room at the Inn for CAIR!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our campaign! Marriott will no longer host CAIR’s “banquet on the graves of their victims.”
Of course, the terrorist supporters at CAIR would call everyone who oppose them “terrorists,” so it’s nothing new. Nihad Award, the founder and director of CAIR praised the Hamas attack afterwards.
BREAKING: Terror Threats Force Va. Marriott Hotel to Cancel CAIR’s Annual Banquet
The original page content:
Tell Marriott Hotels to Refuse Service to Terrorists
On Saturday, October 21, the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia is hosting a Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) event with Linda Sarsour and other antisemites who support Hamas and support the slaughter of 1,400 Jews.
Please take action to email the CEO of Marriott, and call the Crystal Gateway, to demand they refuse service to CAIR for their “A Night of Solidarity with Palestine” event scheduled for October 21, 2023.
CAIR is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and its Palestinian franchise, Hamas, and was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in a 2010 federal investigation into U.S. funding streams to the Iranian-backed terror group.
Please take two minutes to stand with Israel!
We make it easy to email and/or call the Marriott to demand a refusal of service for terrorists and their friends.
For more information: