As things stand now, the 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP29) will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan between 11-22 November. That must not happen – unless the host country’s government takes responsibility for monstrous crimes against humanity that it perpetrated one year ago – and just two months before it was selected to be the site of COP29.
For nine months in 2023, the Azeri regime – with the vocal support of its principal sponsor, Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan – blockaded the 120,000 Christian residents of Nagorno-Karabakh (also known as the Republic of Artsakh), resulting in widespread deprivation and even starvation. Then, on September 19th, Azerbaijan’s military and Turkish special operations units forcibly expelled those Christians who were obliged to seek refuge in Armenia.
Granting Azerbaijan what its president, Ilham Aliyev, has described as “the honor” of unconditionally hosting this international event is all the more unthinkable as the Azeri regime and Erdogan’s have made no secret of their shared determination to attack Armenia next. Indeed, some have described their goal as being to complete the genocide the Ottoman Turks began that killed over one million Armenian Christians during World War I.
If the perpetrators of these recent and impending acts of jihad are not held accountable for them, the “international community” and environmental organizations will share in the culpability for such crimes.
In the interest of preventing the legitimization of a new campaign called “STOP COP BAKU,” has been launched to condition the hosting of the 29th Conference of Parties on Azerbaijan and Turkey first satisfying two preconditions: ‘
1) publicly express remorse for what they did to the people and the Republic of Artsakh and provide restitution to their victims; and
2) enter into a binding international accord forswearing any future aggression against Armenia or its populace.
Failing such actions, the United States government and the rest of the civilized world must insist that the venue for COP29 be relocated. There are plenty of nations that would be happy, even on short notice, to provide better and more readily accessible convention space and who would not, as a result, be rewarded for persecuting Christians.
Write your elected representatives, executive branch officials, UN climate bureaucrats, and leaders of major environmental organizations demanding that they STOP COP Baku unless the aforementioned conditions are satisfied.
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