We stand with Israel

It is the policy of Save the Persecuted Christians to oppose and seek to end the persecution of Christians worldwide.  To this end, we will work with others who share our commitment to advancing this cause, seeking wherever possible to speak with one voice and to act in concert to save lives and save souls.  Out of our shared values and efforts, with God’s grace, we will do both wherever followers of Christ face oppression around the world.

We oppose the persecution or hatred of others because of their faith, as well.  In particular, we condemn anti-Semitism as it is wholly incompatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ, who was himself a Jew, and insofar as anti-Semitism has been associated throughout history with persecution of the most egregious kinds, even on a genocidal scale.  As the Scriptures teach,

“Ten men from the nations of every tongue shall take hold of the robe of a Jew, saying, ‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’”

(Zechariah 8:23)